Speakers Science and medicine in Dubai and Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Conférence sur l'actualité médicale et la scientifique par Unome, le Swiss Speakers' bureau

Be at the forefront of the latest scientific and medical trends!

Science and medicine are two areas where there is uninterrupted development. Research is redesigning the scientific approach and new technologies are completely revolutionising scientists’ methods. All these trends need to be taken on board and understood in order to remain competitive in your sector, be that in Switzerland or elsewhere.

How do all these innovations create new markets?

That’s the question that our speakers are able to answer. During the conference you will be able to discuss with µin the industry or service sector to which you belong and thus obtain a clear insight into the latest innovations and their potential impact in your area.


We would need to define together the research areas which are important for you and in which you wish to be coached and informed.


Depending on your requirements, it will be possible to arrange for an expert in the medical or scientific field that most concerns you to respond to all your questions.

Selon vos besoins, il sera possible de programmer un expert du médical ou scientifique, qui pourra répondre à toutes vos questions.


